Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
Working in healthcare is hardwork; on top of that the media, especially social media, will only spread negative thoughts about the state of healthcare.
This podcast aims to help with both of those: a bit of positivity, a few helpful thoughts to improve your work, all starting with kindness, curiosity and comfortable shoes.
A JMAC education production
Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
All workers in healthcare are leaders in some form, from small projects with one team member to large scale managerial teams via spontaneous clinical teams that need to be lead in the moment.
This podcast focuses on Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable shoes and how they apply to leadership.
Be kind to others, they will be kind to you in return and you will be a better person by being kind.
Awareness of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is helpful: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs
Curiosity is always helpful to understand your team better, and you can also be curious about yourself and the decisions you make.
Understanding Johari's window explores why sharing with your team and being curious about them will help your leadership: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johari_window
Thanks for listening,