Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
Working in healthcare is hardwork; on top of that the media, especially social media, will only spread negative thoughts about the state of healthcare.
This podcast aims to help with both of those: a bit of positivity, a few helpful thoughts to improve your work, all starting with kindness, curiosity and comfortable shoes.
A JMAC education production
Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
Compilation Episode 2
Compilation Episode 2
This is a bonus longer episode; a compilation of the episodes 4-10 of the podcast so you can listen to them back-to-back.
1:54 Episode 4 - Sleep
We all need it and never get enough of it. This episode focuses on those intrusive thoughts about work as you are trying to get to sleep.
Easy to read articles about getting better sleep:
14:57 Episode 5 - Change
In this episode I talk about change in healthcare and why I think it is important to embrace it, and hopefully make it easier to cope with.
Research showing why we should get involved in changes in healthcare from Nilsen et al in BMC Health Services Research in 2020: https://rdcu.be/dmvgD
Article from Forbes magazine about how to cope with change in the workplace by Caroline Castrillon published in Feb 2020: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinecastrillon/2020/02/26/how-to-cope-with-change-in-the-workplace/
24:43 Episode 6 - Complaints
As healthcare staff we will always have to respond and react to complaints in some form.
An example of a healthcare complaints analysis tool from the London School of Economics, published in BMJ Quality and Safety Journal in 2015: https://healthcarecomplaintsanalysis.com/
And an article about how to handle complaints from Practice Builders in 2019: https://www.practicebuilders.com/blog/8-ways-to-handle-patient-complaints-and-defuse-their-frustrations/
39:06 Episode 7 - Joy
Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Should we ever feel this in healthcare?
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has this web page with lots of thoughts on joy at work.
49:34 Episode 8 - Feedback
Constructive feedback will help us work better in healthcare and help us understand our blindspot. It's good to be curious about feedback and what others think to help us grow. If you are giving feedback to others, do this with kindness.
57:36 Episode 9 - Legacy
What is your legacy at work?
A great article about role-modelling in connection to fostering children but very relevant to healthcare by Marilyn Price-Mitchell:
1:07:31 Episode 10 - Nights
And more specifically night shifts.
Most workers in healthcare will work shifts through the night at some point. In this episode I go through a few helpful points and tips to help you survive a night shift.
A nice summary of top tips from the Association of Anaesthetists:
Thanks for listening,