Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
Working in healthcare is hardwork; on top of that the media, especially social media, will only spread negative thoughts about the state of healthcare.
This podcast aims to help with both of those: a bit of positivity, a few helpful thoughts to improve your work, all starting with kindness, curiosity and comfortable shoes.
A JMAC education production
Kindness, Curiosity and Comfortable Shoes
Ep 14 Education
Episode 14 - Education
Two definitions of education: "The process of receiving or giving instruction" or "An enlightening experience". Some thoughts on that definition and what I feel are the key components to bear in mind as an educator: Engagement, Understanding and Remembering.
This episode is a couple of days late as I was at the Developing Excellence in Medical Educators Conference: https://www.demec.org.uk/
and the rest of the podcast is some thoughts inspired by this conference focussing on how we can improve ourselves as educators.
PS A slip of the tongue at 12:11 when I refer to Maslach's Hierachy of Needs ... I was conflating Maslach's Burnout Inventory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslach_Burnout_Inventory)and Maslow's Hierachy of Needs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs).
Thanks for listening,